Friday, November 20, 2009

daily posts? meh.

I seem to have trouble blogging on a regular basis. (See: procrastination.)

But my dear gingery friend Cindy is doing a blog-a-day, and dammit, she is the QUEEN of procrastination. If she can do it, so can I.

I think.

...Maybe not.

Update: I now officially work for a certain non-profit organization which shall not be named herein. I actually like it. (I even get paid!) It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to work with high school and college students on starting new events in their schools. Which means my blog may be less snarky in the future. It depends entirely on Barack Obama's approval ratings.

In the attempt to beat Cindy in our (non-) Non-Competitive competition to see who can actually do it (that she doesn't know about yet), I shall follow her lead and post random facts ON A DAILY BASIS. Watch out, world.

Fun fact #1: My mom reads my Tweets. Also my blog. Hi Mom!

Fun fact #2: While clueless and potentially dangerously politically apathetic, Jill is super cool and has a blog. That I didn't know about. Go read it and bask in the awesome. She also loves adverbs, seriously, but not as much as Topher, who loves them adverbally. (But don't make fun of Jill's grammar. It won't do any good anyway. And watch out for Topher's GIFs.)

Fun fact #3: This is the kind of thing I look at when I'm feeling uncomfortable with my level of Star Trek fanaticism. It makes me feel cool.


Unknown said...

I like Capt. Kirk poster :)

Unknown said...

I like the Capt. Kirk poster :)